Meet Dr. Star Bailey, D.C.
A chiropractor, Level 3 Certified Neuro-Emotional Technique practitioner, functional medicine practitioner and certified law of attraction based life coach, Dr. Bailey was featured in Oprah Magazine (2008) in an article entitled "The Willpower Myth" by Stephanie Losee. She has been awarded one of America's Top Chiropractors multiple times in the fields of Sports Medicine, Functional Medicine, and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). Besides teaching re-licensure seminars to other chiropractors on how to treat sports injuries using a holistic natural approach, she taught anatomy, adjustive procedures, emergency procedures and physical examination techniques at the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic after graduating as class Valedictorian in 1999. In 2003 she taught the "Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Golf Swing" at the San Diego Golf Academy. She has presented NET research to doctors from all over the world at the "Gathering of Eagles" NET seminar in Half Moon Bay, CA on how to heal chronic pain while exclusively using emotional interventions, and has been a certified practicing law of attraction based life coach with the Quantum Success Coaching Academy since 2016.
A former professional jazz, hip-hop and tap dancer, choreographer and teacher for over 30 years, Dr. Bailey has an exceptional ability to analyze movement patterns and is an accomplished salsa dancer and former collegiate athlete herself (tennis, golf, and volleyball). In her seminars, Dr. Bailey has taught other chiropractors how to naturally and successfully treat sports injuries including plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, knee injuries that would normally require surgery, low back disc herniations, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, rotator cuff problems and whiplash.
She currently practices out of her San Marcos indoor and outdoor offices as well as virtually and she works with patients who are looking to discover the emotional sources of their physical pain or disease as well as the structural, chemical, and environmental causes.

And now, a letter from Dr. Bailey :)
Dear Patients,
Too often it’s the practitioner who gets all the information about the patient, and the patient gets little information about the practitioner and his/her practice. I would like to change that.
I was born in northern California, then lived in southern Ohio before attending college. A Psychology and Environmental Studies major, I graduated from Dartmouth College and was awarded with honors in Psychology for my Animal Behavior research in 1987. After that I taught school in NYC and pursued a career in professional jazz dance, singing and acting. After sustaining multiple dance injuries I realized it was time to get that chiropractic education I'd considered shortly after college.
You see, as a child I used to give massages to friends and family to make them feel better, so going into a “hands on” healing profession came pretty naturally. My first chiropractic experience was in college after a director of a musical production I was in tried to “crack” my back which I had strained practicing my tennis serve. After walking around with one hip higher than the other and worsening my back pain, I went to a chiropractor and had my first adjustment. Surprisingly, he worked on my neck as well as my low back and after the first visit I could SEE better, HEAR better, my sinuses cleared up, I had range of motion in my neck that I had forgotten was possible, AND after a few visits my back pain was gone! I had gone so long with chronic neck pain and stiffness I’d forgotten that as a child I’d been to a multitude of medical doctors complaining of "neckaches" which were chalked up to “growing pains! For me, chiropractic treatment provided a miraculous awakening!
So when I was ready, I picked the most "medically based" chiropractic school to get "the best" education possible. As Valedictorian of chiropractic school, I appreciated what I was learning in school, but I soon found that what I was learning outside of school at various neurology, nutrition, and vibrational medicine seminars was what really excited me. The beauty was that although some of these alternative techniques I was learning seemed to work like magic on the surface, in reality they were based on advanced neurology, chemistry, psychology and quantum physics. I was learning how to apply cutting edge scientific technology in a non-traditional way-- unfortunately something many in the medical and even chiropractic community haven’t yet embraced.
During my senior year of chiropractic school, my father, after suffering for years from a variety of ailments stemming from poor nutrition, depression, and medical mis-management, died. I was really angry at the medical establishment, the unhealthy lifestyles we take for granted, and frustrated that I couldn’t change his course. I felt like I had just learned the secrets that could have saved my dad, but I was too late to do so. Although I was unable to help my father, I am on a mission to help others, as I experience elation every time I am able to help someone achieve their health goals and regain a higher quality of life. I get to help people suffer less and live better and I am SO GRATEFUL for that!
I believe with all my heart in the principles of alternative healing which are: using chiropractic adjustments to remove nerve interference so the body can heal itself; giving the body the nutrients it needs to rebuild and repair itself; cleansing the body of the toxins that prevent it from functioning optimally; and most importantly, removing the emotional and spiritual stressors that not only damage the cells on a daily basis, but affect our DNA and genetic expression. I believe with all my heart in how I practice and always strive to improve.
Since Covid-19 I moved from my former Solana Beach location to "The Healing Yome" which I built near my home. If you don't know what a yome is, it's like a yurt with triangular supports. (See photos below) I have an outdoor office right next to it which we use weather permitting to assure the freshest air quality :) I am also consulting by phone with patients from all over the world, including Australia, Canada, and the UK, as well as many US states. The whole purpose of my work is to remove resistance so patients can heal themselves from the inside out, in order to make the world a better place for all of us to live. My personal promise to you is to do everything within my capacity to help you reach your goal of creating and living the healthiest, happiest life possible. I invite you to join me in this mission.
Star Bailey D.C., QSCA coach