Life Coaching

After only my first session of coaching with Dr. Bailey, I no longer feel depressed when I remember the past with regards to my ex-wife. I no longer feel a sense of hopelessness. I have let go of the grief and rage and blame, and am focused on my own personal growth. After three sessions, I am consistently passionate about creating my new life and very optimistic about tomorrow with techniques in hand I can do at home to raise my vibration. Thank you so much! -Richard Golany, health coach, RMT, MFR therapist. Alberta, Canada
Wow! Timing is a beautiful thing. I am so grateful for my time with Star. She gracefully and with skill guided me through places within that I could never access alone. It's amazing what a new perspective can offer! Her skillful approach and tools/exercises have helped me reach new heights within myself and my life. Thank YOU!!! -Dee Bupp
I am at a no speech zone right now on how to describe my experience with your coaching. I would say it was one of the best "sessions" of my life. Your methods were right on for me. Your intuitive ability proved itself in the choices you made about how to work with my particular issues. I feel that I have made some giant steps baby steps. Cindy Gustafson
Now available! Law of Attraction based life coaching
Not sure what your next step should be? Can't seem to break through to the next level? Want to achieve more financial success, improve family relations or your health? Maybe you're stuck in a rut you can't seem to get out of or are experiencing some overwhelming grief or negativity from a situation that seems out of your control. Spend some time with Dr. Bailey and she will help you clarify, focus on and achieve your goals, as well as lessen resistance so your natural state of joy can return. Proven techniques from the Quantum Success Coaching Academy are used in combination with the healing and transformative power of Neuro-Emotional Technique to help you help yourself to get to the next level of success and of course allow your true happiness to come through with more consistency. Try your first session for free! Call Dr. Bailey for more details and to schedule your first session. You won't regret it.